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Llewellyn - New Worlds of Mind and Spirit

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Transiting Pluto in Capricorn and the United States' Economic Challenges
by Deva Green

Transiting Pluto in Capricorn symbolizes the collective need to re-structure any outdated systems, methods, or behaviors that have become stagnated and are preventing further growth. Pluto in Capricorn reflects the need to evolve past any internal behavior has become crystallized and outdated in order for individual and collective growth to occur. The natal chart of the US currently includes transits of Pluto in Capricorn, and these aspects are wreaking havoc, including economic and social instability. Why do we need to face these transits in order to experience growth? Evolutionary astrologer Deva Green explains.

January Notable Titles
Insights into Evolutionary Astrology, by Rose MarcusInsights Into Evolutionary Astrology
Edited by Rose Marcus

Evolutionary Astrology holds the key to life's most profound mysteries: Where does the soul come from? How can we grow spiritually? What are our intended life lessons?

Shedding new light on these vitally important questions, well-known astrologer Rose Marcus has compiled a collection of illuminating essays by today’s foremost evolutionary astrologers. Each contributor offers fascinating perspectives on evolutionary astrology and explores various aspects of Pluto’s role in determining the Soul’s evolving needs and desires.

Jeffrey Wolf Green, the world-renowned founder of this specialized field of study, begins the book with an exploration of the four natural evolutionary laws that propel Soul growth. Deva Green continues with a discussion of how Pluto drives our evolutionary growth, illustrated with case studies and charts of notable figures such as President Barack Obama.

Contributors also explore Pluto’s influence on the sexual and relationship characteristics of each zodiacal sign, the fulfillment of human potential, the dynamics between twins, past life regression, the interpretive importance of planetary nodes, and the cultural significance of Pluto entering Capricorn.

Evolutionary Astrology, by Deva Green
Evolutionary Astrology
by Deva Green

Pluto, by Jeffrey Green
by Jeff Green

Sun Signs & Past Lives, by Bernie Ashman
Sun Signs & Past Lives
by Bernie Ashman

In the Stars- January 2011

Reader's Top Picks - January 2011
1. Astrology of the Moon
     by Amy Herring

2. Signs of Mental Illness
     by Mitchell E. Gibson, MD

3. Astrology of Intimacy, Sexuality & Relationship
     by Noel Tyl

4. The Complete Node Book
     by Kevin Burk

5. Houses
     by Gwyneth Bryan

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