The Ultimate
Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot: An Accessible Guide to Tarot
by Barbara Moore
Anyone who wishes to learn the tarot can find a plethora
of books on the subject. Anyone wishing to study the Rider Waite Tarot
in depth can also find many, many books to choose from. When deciding
what book to select, especially when the content is similar, the
presentation of the material is often the key factor—which is what
really sets The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot
apart from others.
Perfumed Dawn: Canaanite Magic Experiences a
by Tess Dawson
The sun set on the Canaanite culture many years ago, but
even as the Canaanites measured each new day with the dying light, so
we have come through that night and into the next dawn. What is
Canaanite magic, and how can we incorporate it into our daily lives?
Tess Dawson, author of The Horned Altar: Rediscovering and Rekindling Canaanite
Magic, explains.
The Throat Chakra—A Psychic Powerhouse
by Anysia Kiel
Because it houses our clairvoyant abilities, people
often identify the brow, or third-eye, chakra as our bodies' main
psychic center. This is incorrect; indeed, the throat chakra, which
houses the abilities of clairaudience, clairscent, and clairgustance,
is the true psychic center of the body. Anysia Kiel, author of Discovering the Medium Within, discusses these
psychic abilities and the importance of a balanced and empowered throat
Career Opportunities for 2013 by Sun Sign
by Sally Cragin
In a time of recession and economic challenge, retooling
and rethinking life's work could be indicated for you. Are you in the
best possible occupation, based on your Sun Sign? Sally Cragin, author
of Astrology on the Cusp and The Astrological Elements, explains what each
sign can expect in 2013 if they are deciding on a career change.
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