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by Atherton Drenth - December 2016

Our ego is that little voice that constantly talks in the back of our minds—the all-too-familiar, endless dialogue that taunts and teases us. It colors everything we do, and can be the heart of our stress and anxiety. But what if we learn to work with our ego so that we can enjoy the harmony and balance of life? Atherton Drenth, author of The Intuitive Dance, believes we can—and learn to dance with life in the process.

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Back to Top - Author Interview -  2016

by Llewellyn

1. Your new book is The Intuitive Dance. To what exactly does the title refer?

Atherton DrenthThe Intuitive Dance: Building, Protecting, and Clearing Your Energy is about learning how to master your ego by utilizing your innate intuitive abilities and finding your way back to inner peace and harmony. Through my work with hundreds of clients I have found that changing that inner dialogue with the ego by utilizing the spiritual practices contained in this book has reduced my client's stress and anxiety by up to 50%. All of the techniques contained in this book are quick and easy to use. Most can be mastered in a few minutes and require less than five minutes a day. I conducted a research study, called The Three Simple Things, to confirm these findings.

I firmly believe that if everyone understood how simple it is to manage their own inner dialogue we would be a whole new society in one generation. It would make us better parents, more knowledgeable leaders, and more loving and compassionate human beings.

2. The book has three main sections: building, protecting, and clearing our energy. How is our energy so intrinsically linked to our health and well-being?

We are all made of energy. There is an energy field around everyone, called an aura. We know that auras exist because we can take pictures of them now. We also know that if the energy in our aura gets blocked it can create problems physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Understanding how we think, feel and react to events in our lives has a bigger impact on our energetic and physical health than I think we acknowledge. Our adrenal glands can be triggered into a fight or flight response just from a thought. Get triggered often enough and your energy field can get so jammed up that the physical body will begin to suffer and shut down.

Thoughts come from our ego. We spend our whole lives believing the ego is right. We think it is, we believe it is, and we are afraid it is. It is the lie that we think is the truth, which creates a lot of unfounded fear. Yet, the ego can be wrong. That's a shock for most of us.

There is, in my experience, two types of fear. Both types of fear produce a physical reaction in the body. The first one is what I call legitimate fear. This is the fear you would experience if you were out walking in the woods and a bear suddenly came charging out of the bush and tried to attack you. Your immediate reaction is to run for your life. It is the survivor's instinct of fight or flight. The second type of fear is what I call manufactured fear. This type of fear is created by the ego based on its interpretations of what it thinks, sees, or believes to be the truth. It is very reactive. It creates an emotional response that is not rational. I have personally conducted over 35,000 healing balances, and see proof of this every day.

Manufactured fear can be easily identified and understood when you tap into your natural innate gift—intuition. Our intuition is our soul voice—our personal truth. Learning how to listen and honor our intuition builds a bridge that we can use to overcome manufactured fear to find love, peace and inner harmony.

3. We can learn to control our internal stress and anxiety, but some outside forces cannot be controlled. How can we cope with those external stressors?

Click here to read the full interview.

Back to Top - Llewellyn Journal - December 2016

Trance Dance Your Way to Happiness
by Yasmin Henkesh

Sad? Depressed? Anxious? Stressed? Not feeling good enough—not the right height, the right shape, the right whatever? Wish you could click your ruby red slippers and forever banish self doubt? If so, Trance Dancing with the Jinn author Yasmin Henkesh suggests the healing power of dance.

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The Intuitive Dance, by Atherton Drenth
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Trance Dancing with the Jinn, by Yasmin Henkesh
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by Yasmin Henkesh

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