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Seasons of Witchery
by Ellen Dugan - June 2012

I have been working in my gardens non-stop for the past few days, getting ready for a full moon/sabbat celebration with my coven. I always enjoy having the ladies from the coven over, and we end up in my gardens for Beltane every year, which is wonderful. The best thing about having a garden is to share it with others.

This is a great season for magickal gardening. My roses are flourishing, the foxgloves and yarrow are in bloom, and my snapdragons are trying to outgrow the foxgloves at the moment. The snaps are huge this year—some stand taller than the foxgloves. Even my twenty-eight-year-old son commented on them when he came over to cut the grass for his dad the other day.

While I weeded the perennial bed my son took a break in the shade, looked over at me incredulously and asked what sort of spell I had done to the snapdragons. My answer was a slow and secret smile, which he returned with a serious stare. Then I tipped my sunglasses down to look at him, asked him if he was new or something, and we laughed for a long time. "Good grief, mom," he said. He rolled his eyes at me, and went to the shed to dig out the string trimmer. It does my heart good that my children, who are now all adults, accept the magick in our lives so easily. They did grow up with it, after all. Before my son started up the trimmer he walked over to the perennial bed I was working in and bent over to look at the snaps a bit more carefully. At the moment they stand close to three feet tall.

"These are the same plants from three years ago; I thought they were annuals. Did your coven do some crazy full moon magick to these snapdragons last year?" He asked with a grin, while he ran his hands over the blooms.

"Absolutely," I told him, with my tongue firmly in my cheek, and continued to pull weeds. Then he asked me if I knew that the full moon this coming weekend was a "Super Moon." I reminded him that the correct lunar term was actually perigee, meaning the time when the moon was the closest to the earth during the calendar year.

He only grinned at me, slipped his sunglasses on, and started the string trimmer with a flourish. He shouted over the string trimmer that he hoped we would behave ourselves, and with a laugh he went off to trim around all the perennial beds.

I sat back on my heels and chuckled as he moved around the lawn with the trimmer. A breeze blew in and brought a bit of coolness to a near-ninety degree afternoon, a bit warmer than typical for early May. But, if I have learned anything over the years, it is that nature has its way. We can either hang on and enjoy the ride and work with her cycles and seasons or fight against them. I personally prefer to embrace the magick of each season. There is always something new to learn.

Click here to read the full article.

Back to Top - Author Interview - June 2012

by Llewellyn

1. Your new book, Seasons of Witchery, addresses the Wheel of the Year with a fresh focus. Why did you feel this needed to be done? Ellen Dugan

I have always been a creative type of person—gardening, landscape design, interior decorating, and floral design… it’s a sickness. Seriously. Some women go crazy over shoes; for me, it's plants and flowers. Over the years when we would have visitors to our home, people would go insane over our gardens and then the interior seasonal decorations. The decorations in the house were subtle enough that non-magick folks figured the floral designer in me had run amok, but still full of symbolism that witches immediately recognized. I posted some of the pictures of my gardens and of home during the holidays on Facebook, and the fans went wild. I had so many requests for a book on the sabbats that I started thinking. Then I started to plot…

2. The book is divided into eight chapters (one for each sabbat), each of which includes crafts, rituals, recipes, and more. From where do your ideas for celebrating each season come?

From the gardens, and from my own personal experiences as a wife, mother, witch, and high priestess. I have been a practicing witch for almost thirty years now. I have plenty of creative ideas to share for your magickal home, your own enchanting gardens, and of course for your Sabbat celebrations with friends and family.

3. You are known as the Garden Witch. Does Seasons of Witchery include a lot of tips for the garden?

Click here to read the full interview.

Back to Top - Llewellyn Journal - June 2012

The Fear of Death: A Great Illusion
by Ginny Brock

Fear is the most fearful of all things, and it, in itself, is an illusion. The fear of death is one of its greatest cultivations. Death can freak you out totally. And unless you think about it, take it apart molecule by molecule, and begin to figure it out, it will continue to paralyze you. What does it take to conquer the fear of death? For Ginny Brock, author of By Morning's Light, it was meeting her recently-deceased son in spirit...and realizing just what was beyond.

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The Adventures of a Modern-Day Heretic and the Skyclad Christ
by Reverend Mark Townsend

For over a decade, Mark Townsend was a priest in the Church of England. In 2007, his path both literally and figuratively changed, and he found himself a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids. But how to reconcile the Jesus of his old religion with the deities of the new one? Here Mark, author of Jesus Through Pagan Eyes, discusses a new way for Pagans and Christians alike to view Jesus.

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Back to Top - Try This! - June 2012

Midsummer Garden Party

Midsummer's Dream Tarot Spread

Magic Stress Eraser Mist - New Releases - June 2012

The Book of Psychic Symbols, by Melanie Barnum
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By Morning's Light, by Ginny Brock
By Morning's Light
by Ginny Brock

Ecstatic Witchcraft, by Gede Parma
Ecstatic Witchcraft
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Jesus Through Pagan Eyes, by Reverend Mark Townsend
Jesus Through Pagan Eyes
by Reverend Mark Townsend

The Long Lost Friend, Edited by Daniel Harms
The Long-Lost Friend
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Seasons of Witchery, by Ellen Dugan
Seasons of Witchery
by Ellen Dugan - Reader's Top Picks - January 2011

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