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by Kala Ambrose - November 2016

We are all born with some degree of psychic abilities, whether or not we have tuned in to them. Kala Ambrose, author of the new Awakened Psychic, shares a wide variety of techniques designed to help you tap into your intuitive abilities in her book. Below are 6 such ways to help you awaken your inner psychic abilities.

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Back to Top - Author Interview -  2016

by Llewellyn

1. Your previous book was The Awakened Aura, and your new book is The Awakened Psychic  To what does "Awakened" refer in the titles? Are they companion books?

Kala AmbroseYes, they are companion books that build on to each other. Part of the connection to intuitive/psychic abilities is the ability to see, sense, or feel auras. The Awakened Aura provides a great starting point to understanding the energy field that surrounds every living being, and The Awakened Psychic explores how we can use this energy field to expand our intuitive abilities on a greater level. My next book coming out with Llewellyn (in 2017) will be the third in this series, and will be called The Awakened Dreamer.

The word "awakened" describes the sudden shift from one form of consciousness or understanding into a greater awareness. Typically when we make this shift, we expand into a greater sense of purpose and action. I wanted to explain in these books how each person has the power to tap into their super-conscious, what I describe as the higher self. We don't have to rely on another person to tell us what being psychic is like; we can tap into our own intuitive gifts, which I believe every person has at some level.

My job as "Your Travel Guide to the Other Side" is to show each person how to awaken the intuitive abilities that they have lying dormant within. Once they awaken their inner psychic, I show them how they can harness these abilities and use them in practical ways in their careers, their relationships, and their personal spiritual journey.

2. Your previous books have spanned many topics, from auras to ghost hunting. What has your journey been like?

I came back into this lifetime remembering my past lives very vividly. In my childhood, since I can remember, I've seen auras, had prophetic dreams, and could communicate with ghosts and spirits. At the age of twelve I asked my parents if I could formally study tarot and astrology, which they allowed me to do. I continued my studies to explore the various forms of religion, philosophy, and spirituality, and in my twenties I experienced an awakening of my own, where I remembered who I was and why I was here again in this lifetime. After this experience, I began to teach and write and share, first creating a school in my local area and later expanding it to traveling around the US to teach at wonderful centers like the Omega Institute, Edgar Cayce's ARE, LilyDale Assembly, the Learning Annex, and many others. I continue to evolve how I teach, moving with the times, as I now teach webinars online, reaching students around the world with my Academy of Mystical Arts and Spiritual Sciences. While the format in which I teach continues to change, the material, which I describe as wisdom teachings, is timeless. It was taught in ancient schools in Egypt, Greece, and other wonderful cultures over the years.

My journey in this lifetime, like that of everyone else, has been filled with great joys and tremendous sorrows. I do my best to learn and grow from each of these experiences as part of my spiritual practice, which I feel has made me a better teacher and guide. I have loved and lost and while I am able to connect with loved ones on the other side, it is bittersweet. I am fortunate that I am able to connect and communicate with loved ones on the other side, while also suffering from the pain and loss of not being able to experience life with them here on the earth plane. Being psychic and an empath, I am able to experience other people's emotions at a deep and profound level, which has opened me to a tremendous love and respect for all of humanity. At the same time, I hurt when others are in pain and I hurt as the world suffers as well. I wouldn't trade my abilities for anything—they are a tremendous blessing and have taught me so much on my journey—but at times, they can also be challenging to bear. Isn't that true about most things in life, really? 

3. The Awakened Psychic is all about developing our intuition and psychic skills. Why are these skills so important?

Click here to read the full interview.

Back to Top - Llewellyn Journal - November 2016

Witch’s Runes: A Simple Introduction to Rune Reading
by Alexandra Chauran

Reading runes can be difficult for many. However, Alexandra Chauran, author of the new Runes for Beginners, details the the Witch's Runes: simple pictograms that match concepts with symbols that are more understandable in this modern world. 

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Dealing with Shadows During Channeling
by Jenny Tyson

When Spiritual Alchemy author Jenny Tyson channeled the 16th century alchemist Edward Kelley, who was the crystal gazer for Dr. John Dee during Dee's communications with the Enochian angels, he gave her advice to help improve the quality of her channeling and pychic reading session work. Here Jenny details what Kelley had to say about inaccuracy in readings and channeling being caused by our self-generated shadows.

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6 Ways to Use the Crystal Intentions Oracle for a Happy Life
by Margaret Ann Lembo

People want to be happy, feel loved, be safe, enjoy abundance and prosperity, and increase intuition, and have the ability to express who they truly are. With crystal clear focus, you can be and feel fulfilled once you establish an intention and maintain positive thoughts. Your imagination plays a powerful part in this adventure—the adventure of creating the life you really want. Margaret Ann Lembo, author and creator of the new Crystal Intentions Oracle explains how the cards of the deck can help you manifest your best life.

Read More - Try This! - November 2016

Make Your House Magical for Thanksgiving

Noticing the Ever-Present Abundance

The Horseshoe Spread

Save up to 50% During our Halloween Sale! - New Releases - November 2016

Angel Messages, by Maudy Fowler & Gail Hunt
Angel Messages
by Maudy Fowler and Gail Hunt

The Awakened Psychic, by Kala Ambrose
The Awakened Psychic
by Kala Ambrose

The Crystal Intentions Oracle, by Margaret Ann Lembo
Crystal Intentions Oracle
by Margaret Ann Lembo

The Magical Shield, by Frater UD
The Magical Shield
by Frater UD

Runes for Beginners, by Alexandra Chauran
Runes for Beginners
by Alexandra Chauran

Spiritual Alchemy, by Jenny Tyson
Spiritual Alchemy
by Jenny Tyson

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