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What Would You Ask a Ghost?
by Melba Goodwyn - What Would You Ask a Ghost? - October 2007

"If our personality survives death, then it is strictly logical or scientific to assume that it retains memory, intellect, other faculties, and knowledge that we acquire on this earth." — Thomas Edison

All Hallows Eve is rapidly approaching. What better time to discuss ghosts, ghouls, and goblins; how they communicate with us; and, more importantly, why?

October 31st is a time when we celebrate Halloween with a mixture of anticipation and spine-tingling veneration. This is a time when the veil (vibrational frequency) between our dimensions and those of ghosts is at its thinnest. This is also a time when dimensional portals are opened to the fairy realms as well as to other realms of existence. Halloween is a magical night - a night of ghostly communications and spectral visitations! If one is seeking to establish contact with ghosts this is the perfect time to do so. It is also a good time to explore other worldly beings and how they communicate. Being a ghost hunter, a paranormal investigator, and also a parapsychologist, I am always excited at any opportunity to explore this amazing phenomenon.

Ghosts are disembodied entities who have retained the power to reason and communicate. However, our fear is the greatest barrier to first-hand communication. Without a doubt, when someone suddenly comes face to face with a ghost any chance of speaking to it, much less understanding it, is usually lost. Initial shock and fear render the person speechless, and then denial or disbelief totally alters their entire perception of the event.

The ghost may be trying desperately to communicate a message to its unsuspecting host. However, if the person with whom it comes into contact is fearful, this usually negates the possibility of establishing contact. It's hard not to react fearfully, especially if this is a startling first encounter with a ghost. The person who is contacted is usually running in the opposite direction so fast that they lose any possibility of communicating with their unseen visitor. This, of course, is why there is so little reported communication between ghosts and humans.

Click here to read the full article.

Back to Top - Author Interview - October 2007

An Interview with Melba Goodwyn
by Llewellyn

1. In your book you write that your grandmother was psychic, and that you first saw a ghost at the age of five. Do you believe that psychic ability runs in families?

I believe we all possess innate spiritual gifts that can be interpreted as psychic, such as: clairvoyance, intuition, clairaudience, the ability to have out-of-body experiences, have dreams that come true, and déjà vu. Because of my belief in reincarnation, I also believe we choose to be born into families with high degrees of psychic abilities in order to evolve farther along our spiritual paths or to help us (and perhaps others) reach a special goal in life.

2. Do you ever wish you weren't psychic? How has it affected your life? Are there times when you've wished you didn't see or know something?

Yes, especially when the messages I receive involve family members or close friends. It is also upsetting when I am forced to allow someone I love to go through a particularly hard lesson. Being clairvoyant has affected my life in a very positive way, by allowing me to have greater insight into the people I meet. I am no longer judgmental and I accept everyone with whom I come into contact as they are.

3. What do ghosts look like to you?

When I see a ghost, it usually appears as real as you and me; it is often hard for me to discern the difference. My best clue is that they appear suddenly and disappear just as rapidly.

4. How would you define what a ghost or spirit is?

A ghost is spiritual energy presenting itself as vibrations and frequencies that can be seen, felt, and even heard on occasion. They are merely people who are unwilling or unable to make the transition to another dimension. They could have experienced a tragic death and may be confused, or they may be aware and have an agenda they are pursuing.

Click here to read the full interview.

Back to Top - Llewellyn Journal - October 2007

You Can Talk to the Dead
by Melanie Harris

We miss our dear friends and family who have died, and we long to be with them once more: to feel their presence, to share another deep conversation, to laugh together as we once did. We can. This Samhain, the phone lines to the ghost world will be open, as the barrier shrouding the dead from the living melts on this mystical night. Spirit communication is a way to stay in touch with lost loved ones, and October 31st is an optimal night for such magic.

Click here to read the full article.

The Bright Beams Of The Fixed Stars In Your Astrological Chart
by Isabelle Ghaneh

Stars have an alluring and entrancing fascination for us, but the fixed stars are much more than a bright light to gaze at in the evening and make wishes on. Fixed stars are potent additions to your astrology chart and can add a lot of information to your chart reading, once you know what they mean and what to look for.

Click here to read the full article.

Where's My Wand?
by Jason Kitchen

Many people have a certain image of magickians, thanks in large part to pop culture and the media. But, popular to contrary thought, you simply cannot just chant a few learned words, wave a wand around, and experience some great force of magick. Magick is far more complicated than that. And, a whole lot more fun! Jason Kitchen, a beginning magician, brings you into the world of beginner's magick.

Click here to read the full article.

New Worlds of Self-Help and Spirituality
by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

As we move forward in our lives and closer to the New Year, how can we reinforce our spirituality through our mind, body, and spirit? How are we connected to our own new beginnings?

Click here to read the full article.

Back to Top - Try This! - October 2007

Winter Solstice Pumpkin Soup
Celebrate the Winter Solstice with this festive golden soup, warmed with fragrant nutmeg and allspice. This velvety soup is elegant and deceptively simple to prepare.

Hosting a Samhain Party Made Easy
You can host a Samhain party whether or not you have pagan friends. In her book Sabbats, author Edain McCoy provides some great tips on how to host a Samhain party.

Halloween Traditions & Superstitions
In researching Halloween's history, we find a delightful compendium of superstitions associated with either the harvest season or with Halloween in particular. - News - October 2007

2007 Newsletter Reader Survey
Please take a few moments to answer this brief online survey to help us improve your experience with Llewellyn's new monthly e-magazine. - Llewellyn Encyclopedia - October 2007

Residual Haunting
A phenomena where spirits or ghosts keep repeating events.

Ghost Lights
Eerie, colored lights that sometimes appear and are often photographed in haunted houses, cemeteries, on deserted roads and train tracks, in mountains and woods, and in large open areas.

A viscous substance said to come from the spirit world. Usually milky white in color when visible, this substance, is claimed to be the means by which spirits produce poltergeist or telekinetic activity. - New Releases - October 2007

by John Michael Greer

Mystical Dragon Magick
Mystical Dragon Magick
by D. J. Conway

The Temple of High Witchcraft
The Temple of High Witchcraft
by Christopher Penczak

Llewellyn's Halloween Sale - Save 20% - 30%!

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