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Llewellyn - New Worlds of Mind and Spirit

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Magick Update, August 2016

A Sorcerer in the Golden Dawn

by Aaron Leitch


Author and magician Aaron Leitch lives a double occult life, so to speak, as he both belongs to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and also practices things associated with the Old Magick and Witchcraft.  In this blog post from Llewellyn's Magick Blog, author Aaron Leitch delves into his experiences with both practices.

August New & Notable Releases 
Tarot Apokalypsis KitTarot Apokalypsis Kit
by Erik C. Dunne & Kim Huggens

Revelations of truth and light await the reader of the Tarot Apokalypsis Kit, the follow-up to Erik Dunne’s popular Tarot Illuminati. With richly detailed illustrations inspired by ancient spiritual practices, these cards possess all the vivid color of stained glass and the wisdom of our higher awareness. From the Eleusinian mysteries of Greece to the deserts of ancient Egypt, from the beauty of classical Rome to the Shiva rituals of India, this deck highlights the pathways of the spirit found in the great mystery traditions of the world.

For the Love of the Gods, by Brandy Williams
For the Love of the Gods
  by Brandi Williams
Pre-Order Today!

Jasmine Becket-Griffith Halloween Coloring Book
Jasmine Becket-Griffith Halloween Coloring Book
by Jasmine Becket-Griffith
In-Stock Early!

Magical Destinations of the Northeast, by Natalie Zaman

Altars, Amulets, & Athames - August 2016
Save up to 65% During Our Tarot Sale! - Readers' Top Picks - August 2016
1.  The New Divine Feminine
      by Meghan Don

2.  The Dictionary of Demons
      by Michelle Belanger

3.  Doreen Valiente Witch
      by Philip Heselton

4.  The Chaos Protocols
      by Gordon White

5.   Magic Sealing Wax
      by Lo Scarabeo - Quick Links - August 2016
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