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Magick Update, January 2017

The Rose Phoenix
by Jenny Tyson

Dried Rose

Jenny Tyson, author of Spiritual Alchemy, delves into the branch of plant alchemy in this essay, specifically the making of the rose phoenix. Along with photos documenting her work, she discusses the experiment and how phenomena captured by a camera can be used as feedback for spiritual progress.

January New & Notable Releases 
Hidden Mandala Coloring Book, by Jean-Louis de BiasiHidden Mandala Coloring Book
by Jean-Louis de Biasi

Brilliant mandalas based on the symbols and sacred geometry of Europe

Inspired by the great architectural details of the Mediterranean region, these 60+ illustrations have been designed specifically to help you relax and meditate. Jean-Louis de Biasi—a master practitioner of magical arts and a Freemason initiated to the highest degrees—based these breathtaking mandalas on the mystical mosaics and bas-relief sculptures of Roman and European artisans. This book also includes brief meditative techniques and instructions to help you deepen the spiritual impact of your coloring practice.

Spiritual Alchemy, by Jenny Tyson
Spiritual Alchemy
  by Jenny Tyson

Spirit Conjuring for Witches, by Frater Barrabbas
Spirit Conjuring for Witches
by Frater Barrabbas

The Secret of the Temple, by John Michael Greer
The Secret of the Temple
by John Michael Greer

Altars, Amulets, & Athames - January 2017
Save up to 50% during our Winter Sale! - Readers' Top Picks - January 2017
1.  Esoteric Empathy
      by Raven Digitalis

2.  The Dictionary of Demons
      by Michelle Belanger

3.  Crystal Grids
      by Henry M. Mason &
      Brittani Petrofsky

4.  Modern Magick
      by Donald Michael Kraig

5.   The Secret of the Temple
      by John Michael Greer - Quick Links - January 2017
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