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Magick Update,  October 2013

Enhance Your Workouts with Kabbalah
by Tony Mierzwicki 

Don Kraig stresses that magick isn’t something you do, but rather is something you are. By this he means that it should be a part of everyday life, and not just something practiced when the moon is full. The diligent study of magick will certainly develop the mind, but what of the body?

Most people are aware of the benefits of moderate regular exercise, but whether they actually engage in it, is another matter altogether. Discover how combining exercise with the magick of the Kabbalah can have far-reaching benefits for both mind and body.

October Notable Titles 
The Kabbalah & Magic of Angels, by Migene Gonzalez-WipplerThe Kabbalah & Magic of Angels
by Migene González-Wippler

Using the powerful insights of the Kabbalah, we can bridge the unfathomable distances between our material world and the divine realms where angels dwell. In The Kabbalah & Magic of Angels, celebrated author Migene González-Wippler presents an in-depth look at angels in the context of the Kabbalah, the comprehensive system underlying Western religion and spirituality. Providing a complete introduction to Kabbalistic concepts, Migene shows how to apply them to our relationships with numerous angels. Included are ways to contact angels and work with them, from simple spells and magical rituals to full Kabbalistic evocations. You’ll discover how to see angels operating in your life and how to visualize them. Numerous angels are named and fully described so readers will know exactly which angel to work with for any purpose or desire. Ideal for students of Kabbalah and  lovers of angels.

Magical Qabalah for Beginners, by Frater Barrabbas
Magical Qabalah for Beginners
by Frater Barrabbas

Kabbalah for the Modern World, by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler
Kabbalah for the Modern World
by Migene González-Wippler

Simplified Qabala Magic, by Ted Andrews
Simplified Qabala Magic
by Ted Andrews

Altars, Amulets, & Athames - October 2013
Save up to 50%! Free Shipping on U.S. Orders Over $25! Shop Now! - Readers' Top Picks - October 2013
1.   Have You Been Hexed?
      by Alexandra Chauran

2. Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ
      by Tau Malachi

3. The Demonology of King James I
      by Donald Tyson

4. Tarot Illuminati
      by Lo Scarabeo

5. The Philosopher's Stone
      by Israel Regardie, edited and
      annotated by Chic & Sandra Tabatha
      Cicero - Quick Links - October 2013
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This Month: October 2013

The Divine Arcanum of the Aurum Solis, by Jean-Louis de Biasi

The Thoth Companion, by Michael Osiris Snuffin
  The Thoth Companion
by Michael Osiris Snuffin

Golden Dawn Magical Tarot, by Chic & Sandra Tabatha Cicero
Golden Dawn Magical Tarot
by Chic & Sandra Tabatha Cicero

Tarot Talismans, by Chic & Sandra Tabatha Cicero
Tarot Talismans
by Chic & Sandra Tabatha Cicero
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