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Llewellyn - New Worlds of Mind and Spirit

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Contact of the Extraterrestrial and Ultraterrestrial Kind
by Philip J. Imbrogno

The number of men and women who claim to have encountered alien beings is growing, and hundreds (if not thousands) can be found in just the United States and Canada alone. While many of these individuals are likely in contact with nothing other than their own overactive imagination, others may well have had a true encounter with a being outside our known reality. Philip Imbrogno, author of Ultraterrestrial Contact, explores the truth to these encounters.

December New Releases 
Ultaterrestrial Contact, by Philip Imbrogno Ultraterrestrial Contact
by Philip J. Imbrogno

From the author of Interdimensional Universe and Files From the Edge

Ultraterrestrial Contact investigates the most extreme and bizarre UFO reports—the cases that most UFO investigators are afraid to tackle—and presents a radical new quantum approach to understanding the contact phenomenon.

When Philip Imbrogno collaborated with famed UFO researcher Dr. J. Allen Hynek on Night Siege, Dr. Hynek requested that the more sensational cases of “high strangeness”—claims of contact with not only alien intelligence, but also demons, djinn, and otherdimensional beings—remain unpublished. Hynek thought the reports would detract from the credibility of the entire extraterrestrial investigation field. This book reveals, for the first time, the details of these controversial reports and presents Imbrogno’s startling scientific conclusions from his thirty years of research into the alien contact phenomenon.

Self-Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind
Self-Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind
by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke & Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.

When Tomorrow Speaks to Me, by Bridget Benson
When Tomorrow Speaks to Me
by Bridget Benson

Your Psychic Child, by Sara Wiseman
Your Psychic Child
by Sara Wiseman

Strange But True - December 2010
Llewellyn's 2010 Holiday Sale!

Reader's Top Picks - December 2010
1. The Dictionary of Demons
     by Michelle Belanger

2. Buckland's Book of Spirit Communications
     by Raymond Buckland

3. The Return of Intuition
     by Kathryn Harwig

4. Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense
     by Denning & Philips

5. The Sallie House Haunting
     by Debra Pickman

Quick Links - December 2010
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