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It's Hard to Keep a Good Vampire Down
by Brian Righi

For many of us, the mere mention of the word "vampire" evokes images of pale Romanian counts with thick Eastern accents, slicked back hair, and tuxedo suits complete with opera capes. Younger generations might instead picture handsomely brooding teenage vampires. But while we may not readily envision vampires as being real, flesh-and-blood creatures who feast on the blood of the living, these beliefs persist into the current day, the entire world over. Brian Righi, author of Vampires Through the Ages, explains.

More on this topic:
  • Psychic Vampires: What Are They?
  • Psychic Vampires
  • Sexual Vampires

January New & Notable Titles 
Vampires Through the Ages, by Brian Righi Vampires Through the Ages
by Brian Righi

Interred in shadows no more, the vampire mythos is illuminated in this captivating exploration of one of the world’s most sinister—and feared—creatures.

Join Brian Righi as he unearths the truth behind myths and beliefs, both ancient and modern. He traces the evolution of the vampire—from Dracula’s mysteriously empty grave and the enduring legend it spawned to terrifying documented cases of the real-life blood drinkers of today. Sordid and sultry, the vampire’s long and gruesome history is revealed:

• Various cultures’ beliefs and superstitions surrounding bloodthirsty immortals
• Chilling true accounts of the unquenchable bloodlust of historical figures such as Vlad the Impaler and Countess Báthory
• Stories and lore from villagers, as recalled from the author’s travels through Romania
• Serial killers who suffered from delusions of vampirism
• How the early Christian church inadvertently fed into the 18th-century Eastern European vampire scare

A Haunted Love Story, by Mark Spencer
A Haunted Love Story
by Mark Spencer

Vampire Nation, by Arlene Russo
Vampire Nation
by Arlene Russo

Vampires in Their Own Words, by Michelle Belanger
Vampires in Their Own Words
by Michelle Belanger

Strange But True - January 2012
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Reader's Top Picks - January 2012
1. Doors to Past Lives & Future Lives
     by Joe H. Slate, Ph.D. &
     Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

2. The Llewellyn Complete Book of
    Psychic Empowerment

     by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke &
     Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.

3. Monsters
     by John Michael Greer

4. Extreme Paranormal Investigations
     by Marcus F. Griffin

5. True Police Stories of the Strange
     & Unexplained

     by Ingrid P. Dean

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