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The Well-Traveled Ghost Hunter
by Rich Newman

Most of us associate the term "ghosts" with the beings we have defined and known in Western culture (mainly North America, Great Britain, and Ireland). But, interestingly, ghosts are a universally-known phenomena that have been witnessed throughout the world. With Halloween just past us—and with it, increased attention to the spiritual world—Rich Newman, ghost hunter and author of The Ghost Hunter's Field Guide and Ghost Hunting for Beginners, thought it would be fun to talk about some of the more interesting, yet lesser known, types of ghosts from all around the world.

November Notable Titles 
Ghost Hunting for Beginners, by Rich Newman Ghost Hunting for Beginners
by Rich Newman

Do you want to be a ghost hunter?
If you’re one of the countless fans of ghost hunting TV shows itching to get off the couch and track some spirits on your own, this book provides everything you need to know to conduct a successful paranormal investigation.

Professional ghost hunter Rich Newman shares proven scientific methods, tried-and-true low-tech approaches, and the latest technology used by the pros. You’ll learn what ghosts are, why hauntings occur, the different types of supernatural phenomena, and the importance of conducting responsible investigations. Find out how to form a team, interact with ghosts, gather and examine evidence—and what not to do when seeking spirits. Along with helpful hints, insider tips, and seasoned insights gained from Newman’s decade of field work, Ghost Hunting for Beginners is peppered with true accounts of ghost stories from famous cases and the author’s own investigations.

The Ghost Hunter's Field Guide, by Rich Newman

The Ghost Hunter's Survival Guide, by Michelle Belanger
The Ghost Hunter's Survival Guide
by Michelle Belanger

How to Be a Ghost Hunter, by Richard Southall
How to Be a Ghost Hunter
by Richard Southall

Strange But True - November 2011
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Reader's Top Picks - November 2011
1. True Police Stories of the Strange
     & Unexplained

     by Ingrid P. Dean

2. The Llewellyn Complete Book of
    Psychic Empowerment

     by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke &
     Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.

3. Solitary Séance
     by Raymond Buckland

4. Is Your House Haunted?
     by Debi Chestnut

5. True Ghosts 3
     Edited by David Godwin

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