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Llewellyn - New Worlds of Mind and Spirit

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Ghost House Stories
by Annie Wilder
Spirits Out of Time, by Annie Wilder
Annie Wilder, author of House of Spirits & Whispers and Spirits Out of Time, has lived in a haunted house for over a decade. Over one hundred years old, Annie's house is full of the stories of all of the previous inhabitants, including those that continue to visit the home regularly....even after death.
More on this topic:
  • You Can Talk to the Dead
  • Table Tipping and Ouija
  • A Theory About Hauntings

  September New Releases 
PoltergeistPoltergeist: A Classic Study in Destructive Hauntings
by Colin Wilson

A Facinating Study of Malicious Entities

In this classic book on destructive hauntings, Colin Wilson, renowned authority on the paranormal, examines the evidence and develops a definitive theory of the poltergeist phenomenon. Countless true-life cases of poltergeist infestations have been recorded from the days of ancient Greece and Rome to the present. But what are poltergeists? Where do they come from? And why do they appear in our world?

From the case of a black-robed monk that terrorized a family for years, to the investigation of a talking mongoose, to true stories of gnomes, sorcerers, witches, and demons, this guide explores a bone-chilling gallery of the mysterious entities known as poltergeists.

Spirits Out of Time, by Annie Wilder
Spirits Out of Time
by Annie Wilder

True Ghosts, by Andrew Honigman
True Ghosts
by Andrew Honigman

Your Neighborhood Gives Me the Creeps, by Adam Selzer

Strange But True - September 2009

Llewellyn's Psychic Development Sale!

Reader's Top Picks - September 2009
1. How to Meet and Work with Spirit      Guides
     by Ted Andrews

2. Practical Guide to Psychic Powers
     by Denning & Phillips

3. Lemuria & Atlantis
     by Shirley Andrews

4. Haunting Experiences
     by Michelle Belanger

5. Auras
     by Mark Smith

Quick Links - September 2009
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