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Llewellyn - New Worlds of Mind and Spirit

Astrology | Calendars | Tarot | Paranormal | Body & Soul | Magick | Nature-Based & Pagan | ALL SALE ITEMS - Tarot Update - June 2015

Easy Lenormand
by Barbara Moore

Easy Lenormand

A large portion of the tarot community is becoming more and more aware of Lenormand as it gains in popularity. What exactly is Lenormand, and how is it different from the tarot? Why is it different from the tarot? And how can tarot readers begin using the Lenormand system for easy answers to everyday questions? Tarot expert Barbara Moore introduces the new Easy Lenormand oracle kit and explains.

Infinity Tarot, by Lo Scarabeo Infinity Tarot
by Lo Scarabeo

"To see a World in a grain of sand, and a Heaven in a wild flower. Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, and Eternity in an hour."—William Blake

Inspired by the greatest mystical poet and one of the world's most powerful and sacred symbols, the Infinity Tarot is a deck whose past has no beginning and whose future has no end. Use the cards to explore the timeless, boundless nature of the deepest inner realms and divine your true destiny.

Limited Edition!

Egyptian Tarot Grand Trumps, by Lo Scarabeo

Universal Tarot Grand Trumps, by Lo Scarabeo

Meta-Barons Tarot, by Lo Scarabeo

Meta-Barons Tarot
by Lo Scarabeo - Tarot Update - In the Cards - June 2015
Browse Our Interactive Catalog! - Tarot Update - Reader's Top Picks - June 2015
1. Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot
by Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin

2. Celtic Dragon Tarot Kit
by DJ Conway & Lisa Hunt

3. Easy Tarot
by Ciro Marchetti & Josephine Ellershaw

4. Witches Tarot
by Ellen Dugan & Mark Evans

5. Tarot of the Orishas
by Zolrak & Durkon - Tarot Update - Quick Links - June 2015

This Month: June 2015

Easy Lenormand, by Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin
Easy Lenormand
by Marcus Katz &
Tali Goodwin
Pre-Order Today!

Lenormand Oracle, by Lo Scarabeo
Lenormand Oracle
by Lo Scarabeo

Pagan Lenormand Oracle
Pagan Lenormand Oracle
by Lo Scarabeo

Fairy Lenormand Oracle, by Lo Scarabeo
Fairy Lenormand Oracle
by Lo Scarabeo
Pre-Order Today!
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