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Wellness Update, February 2011

Dream Interpretation for Everyone
by Michael Lennox

Does every dream mean something? How do you find out that meaning? By analysis or interpretation? Dr. Michael Lennox, dream interpreter and author of Dream Sight, explains the power of dreams and why every method of interpretation—and every interpretation—has value.

February New Releases & Notable Titles
Dream Sight, by Dr. Michael LennoxDream Sight
by Dr. Michael Lennox

A New Spin on Dream Interpretation

Most dream dictionaries contain brief, overly generic meanings of the universal symbols that appear in our dreams. Dream Sight is different. With in-depth, classic meanings and an empowering technique for personalized interpretation, Dream Sight is the most complete and balanced guide to understanding your dreams.

Based on twenty years of experience, psychologist and renowned dream expert Dr. Michael Lennox presents his easy and practical three-step approach. Begin by reading the universal symbols in your dreams, then consider the context, and finally pinpoint your unique personal associations. This method leads to deeper, more profound interpretations that will unlock the mysteries of your unconscious mind. You’ll also get insight into common types of dreams—recurring, precognitive, nightmares, and more—plus advice for remembering your dreams and looking at them objectively.

Combining warmth and a touch of irreverence, Dream Sight is both a unique teaching tool and a fun reference guide that gives you everything you need to understand your dreams and your innermost self.

Kundalini, by Cyndi Dale
by Cyndi Dale

Your Dreams, by Ana Lora Garrard
Your Dreams
by Ana Lora Garrard

Dream Exploration, by Robert P. Gongloff
Dream Exploration
by Robert P. Gongloff - To Your Health - February 2011 - Readers' Top Picks - October 2010
1. Angel Magic
      by Cassandra Eason

2.  Self-Empowerment and Your
     Subconscious Mind

      by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke &
     Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.

3. The Wild & Weedy Apothecary
      by Doreen Shababy

4. Encyclopedia of Angels
      by Richard Webster

5. The Return of Intuition
      by Kathryn Harwig - Quick Links - February 2011
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