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Wellness Update, December 2009

Walk Your Way into the Qualities You Desire
by Pat Samples

Is there some quality you’d like to have more of? Patience? Confidence? Focus? That quality may seem elusive – an unreachable ideal, especially if you’ve tried repeatedly to develop it over time without much success. Pat Samples, author of The Secret Wisdom of a Woman's Body, explains how attaining these qualities can be as simple as walking.

January New Releases and Notable Titles
Ask a MediumAsk a Medium
by Rose Vanden Eynden

What happens when we die? Are soul mates and reincarnation real? What happens to the souls of babies, pets, and wrongdoers?

With wit and warmth, psychic medium Rose Vanden Eynden explains the mysteries of the spirit realm—what the Other Side looks like, what spirits do in the afterlife, how spirits communicate with us, and much more. This conversational and comprehensive guide—written in an easy-to-read Q and A format—also features practical tips for developing your spirit communication skills.

“Rose Vanden Eynden helps open a door to a whole new world that embraces, guides, and loves.”
—Sharon A. Klingler, co-author of Secrets of
Success: The Science and Spirit of Real Prosperity   

“A valuable contribution to the literature of Spiritualism and mediumship.   Moving, fascinating, and most of all, informative.”
—Raymond Buckland, author of
Buckland’s Book of Spirit Communications

Chakras for Beginners Audiobook

Goddess to the Core
Goddess to the Core
by Sierra Bender, with Jeff Migdow, MD

A Love Alchemist's Notebook
A Love Alchemist's Notebook
by Jessica Shepherd - To Your Health - January 2009

  Llewellyn's Winter Sale! - Readers' Top Picks - January 2009
1. How to Meet & Work with Spirit

      by Ted Andrews

2.  The Street-Smart Psychic's Guide
     to Getting a Good Reading

      by Lisa Barretta

3. Psychic Empowerment for

      by Carl Llewellyn Weschke &
     Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.

4. Change At Hand
      by Sandra Kynes

5. The Illuminated Chakras
      by Anodea Judith - Quick Links - January 2009
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