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Wellness Update, January 2016

by Jennie Lee


There is no denying that we live in a time and a culture that is focused on self, and our efforts to be known and seen how we want to be perceived usually produces the opposite outcome than the one we intend. How can we become what we want to be, rather than appearing how we want? Jennie Lee, author of True Yoga, illustrates the power introspection has to change our lives for the better.

January New Releases
True Yoga, by Jennie Lee
True Yoga
by Jennie Lee

Achieve lasting happiness no matter what life brings. True Yoga is an inspirational guide that shows you how to overcome difficulties and create sustainable joy through the Eight Limbs of Yoga outlined in the Yoga Sutras. Whether challenged by work, health, relationships, or parenting, you’ll find tangible practices to illuminate your every day and spiritual life.

Using daily techniques, self-inquiry questions, and inspiring affirmations, yoga therapist Jennie Lee presents a system that opens the path to fulfillment and helps you connect with your own Divinity. Discover effective methods for maintaining positive thoughts, managing stress, improving communication, and building new habits for success. By integrating the ancient wisdom of the Yoga Sutras into an accessible format, Lee puts the formula for enduring happiness within your reach.

Compassion Is The Key to Everything, by Alexandra Chauran 

How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can, by Amy B. Scher 

A Short Path to Change, by Jenny Mannion 
A Short Path to Change
by Jenny Mannion - To Your Health - January 2016
Save Up to 50% During our Winter Sale! - Readers' Top Picks - March 2014
1.  Jasmine-Becket Griffith Coloring

      by Jasmine Becket-Griffith

2.  How to Heal Yourself When
     No One Else Can

      by Amy B. Scher

3. True Yoga
      by Jennie Leee

4. Journey of Souls
      by Michael Newton, PhD

5. Wheels of Life
      by Anodea Judith, PhD - Quick Links - May 2014
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This Month: January 2016

The Book of Creativity, by Rassouli

Namaste Blessing & Divination Cards, by Toni Carmine Salerno
  Namaste Blessing & Divination Cards
by Toni Carmine Salerno

Rumi Oracle, by Alana Fairchild & Rassouli
Rumi Oracle
by Alana Fairchild & Rassouli

Mindfulness Journal, by Toni Carmine Salerno
Mindfulness Journal
by Toni Carmine Salerno
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