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Llewellyn - New Worlds of Mind and Spirit
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5 Easy Ways to "Walk Your Talk"
by Deborah Blake
5 Easy Ways to Walk Your Talk - Witchy Update - June 2009
Most of us would agree that there is more to being a Witch than celebrating the Sabbats or casting a spell under the full moon. That being said, many modern Pagans struggle to find ways to integrate their spiritual beliefs with their busy and often stressful mundane lives. But our spiritual core is what nurtures and supports our daily life, and it is vital to our physical, mental, and psychic well-being. So what's a busy Witch to do? Deborah Blake, author of The Goddess is in the Details, discusses five easy ways you can bring your witchy ways into your daily life.
June New Releases
The Goddess Guide
by Priestess Brandi Auset

Which goddess will help me invite love into my life? Is there an Indian goddess who presides over wealth? Does Kuan Yin represent compassion or truth?

For anyone who's ever wondered which form of the Divine Feminine to invoke for a particular ritual, blessing, prayer, or meditation, The Goddess Guide is a goddess-send! As the first and only book of its kind on the market today, this invaluable at-a-glance cross-reference offers instant info on more than 400 goddesses from cultures around the world.

Bridge to the Afterlife
by Troy Parkinson

Shamanism for

by James Endredy

Travels Through
Middle Earth

by Alaric Albertsson - Witchy Update - Out of the Cauldron - March 2009

Llewellyn's Summer Solstic Sale - Celebrate, Nurture, and Replenish Your Spirit - Save 35% off Select Titles - 4 Days Only! June 10th-June 13th - Witchy Update - Reader's Top Picks - May 2009
1. Garden Witch's Herbal
     by Ellen Dugan

2. The Goddess is in the Details
     by Deborah Blake

3. Cunningham's Encyclopedia
    of Magical Herbs

     by Scott Cunningham

4. Celtic Magic
     by D.J. Conway

5. Magical Herbalism
     by Scott Cunningham - Witchy Update - Quick Links - May 2009
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