Professional Edition Universal Tarot

A while ago, I asked readers if there were any card images that they’d like me to post. One request came from Corrine Kenner who wanted to know more about the Lo Scarabeo Professional Edition of the Universal Tarot.

Here are images of the Professional Edition and the standard edition:


As you can see in the picture, there is a difference in size as well as a difference in border color. The backs are also different:


The Professional Edition, I think, is a great tool for professionals. It is handy to use in workshops or classes. For smaller classes, the teacher can use this deck as a visual aid. For larger classes or workshops where the students work in groups, this deck would be perfect so that everyone in the group can easily see the card. For those who read in either dimly lit or distracting venues, the larger size cards are easier for both the reader and the seeker to focus on.

Crafty Corner

As some of you know, I do enjoy my crafts as well as defacing my tarot cards by cropping. And because apparently I do not have enough to do to keep me busy between now and Yule/Christmas, I was so happy to find The Christmas Tarot. This Majors only deck, created using Victorian postcards, is only available digitally, which makes for lots of fun crafting opportunities. I downloaded the images, had them printed as photos, attached the fronts to the backs with spray adhesive, wiped them all with fanning powder, rounded the corners with a corner rounder tool, and then embellished them with metallic and glitter markers. For someone who loves Victorian Christmas images, tarot, and crafts, you couldn’t ask for more fun all wrapped up in one activity.


Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...