New Moon in Aries, April 14, 2010
This New Moon in Aries occurs on Wednesday, April 14th at 8:29 AM Eastern (12:30 UTC). This New Moon highlights the fiery qualities of Aries (independence and confidence) and those of the self (the astrological first house). Things begun during this time of the Aries New Moon will come to fruition with the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 28.
The bold energy of Aries easily lends itself to spring energy and to rebirth. Now is a great time to tackle those spring cleaning tasks you’ve yet to get around to: clean your closets, donate old items to charity, and wipe the dust that has collected during the long winter months. Spring is also the time of rebirth, as plants and animals that have lain dormant during the past months awake and give birth. This Aries New Moon is in a positive alignment with Chiron and Neptune. The energy of this New Moon can be bolstered by using the healing energy of Chiron to repair and release past hurts and move on into the optimism (brought by Neptune) of the future, so you, too, can feeling the spring energy of personal and emotional rebirth.
[…] Moon becomes full in the intense sign of Scorpio, the culmination of what was begun during the New Moon in Aries. This past New Moon was a time of rebirth, energy, and action; this Full Moon in Scorpio asks to […]