A few months ago I was talking to a person involved with publishing books on magick. He wanted to know why so many people claiming to be great magickians were so very poor. I was reminded of this conversation this morning when I received an email from a friend who was joining a magickal order and worried because many of the members were out of work and didn’t have their own places to live. She wondered if, by joining the group, she was bringing poverty into her life. She wondered why so many occultists who claimed to be magicians were broke. I pointed out that this was true among ceremonial magickians and Pagans.

Some magickal people respond by saying, “I’ve got more important and valuable spiritual things to do than perform magick for money.” However, as I’ve pointed out many times in the past, it’s hard to be spiritual when you’re wondering if your family is going to have a place to live or if you’ll have enough money to get food to eat.

Personally, I think the problem goes to a very deep psychological level. It goes all the way to feeling guilty over eating pie.


Well, I think most people think everyone has a share of the world’s riches. If you were to make a pie chart it might look like this:

Pie 1

In actuality, some people have pieces of the pie that are larger and others have pieces that are smaller, but everyone gets a piece of the pie. Now here’s the problem. Many people think that in order for you to get more you must extend the sides of your piece of pie and someone else must get less. Here’s an image of what that idea looks like showing how if A gets more, B gets less:


As you can see, if A increases the size of his piece of pie, B suffers. If you do magick to get more, someone else will get less. Besides, you don’t deserve any more and certainly nobody deserves any less. Therefore, you can’t do magick to help yourself because you’ll harm B who will unfairly get a smaller piece of the pie. This is one of the basic concepts behind poverty thinking. It would be very valid if it were real, but it’s not the true situation at all. It’s just poverty thinking. The actual situation is more like this:


To get a larger piece of the pie, you have to make the pie bigger (as illustrated by the dotted edge of the larger pie). Your piece, labeled “A,” doesn’t increase in size by moving to the sides and forcing others, including “B,” to become smaller. Rather, your piece becomes larger by extending the outside of the pie making everyone’s piece bigger. If you, as “A,” earn more, so does everyone else in the pie, including “B.” This is a basis of abundance thinking. The more you make the more everyone can make.

Are you involved in abundance thinking or poverty thinking?

More of the New Cover for Modern Magick

Below is some more of the cover for the new revised and expanded third edition of Modern Magick that will be available soon. The new edition will have scores of new pieces of art and about 40% new material, including an entire new chapter. This is going to be big! In fact, it’s so big, the format of the book is increasing from 6 x 9 inches to an amazing 8.5 x 11 inches while still having over 600 pages. Over 150,000 people and groups have used Modern Magick to guide their magickal training. When the new edition comes out, I think the numbers of people becoming magickians is going to grow by leaps and bounds.

Here is the bottom of the new cover:


I love the spherical incense burners, the pentacle in the background and the chalice with the wand resting on top of it. The pentagram being drawn in the air is amazing. You can even see the reflection of the ritualist in the shiny floor. This is going to be major!

Written by Donald Michael Kraig
Donald Michael Kraig graduated from UCLA with a degree in philosophy. He also studied public speaking and music (traditional and experimental) on the university level. After a decade of personal study and practice, he began ten years of teaching courses in the Southern California area on such ...