Author Patricia Monaghan Has Passed
Today we sadly mark the passing of Patricia Monaghan, author of several books, including the recent reissue of Magical Gardens. We are grateful to her life lived and her words that will continue live on through her many books. One of the leaders of the contemporary earth spirituality movement, Patricia Monaghan spent more than 20 years researching and writing about alternative visions of the earth. Throughout her career, Patricia’s work dealt with issues of spirituality, especially women’s spirituality. She was an avid gardener with a large organic garden, orchard, and vineyard that she tended with her husband, Dr. Michael McDermott.

Some of our staff here at Llewellyn worked closely with Patricia over the years to publish her books. Our Senior Editor Becky had this to say of Patricia:
It’s difficult to say a few words about Pat because words—simple, beautiful words—were what she used to perfection in order to enlighten, inspire, and delight. With her poetic sensibilities and deep understanding of life—whether that life was a shoot of green sprouting from the earth or a heady, conceptual treatise on goddess spirituality—she embodied the very grace, passion, and beauty of what she wrote about, uniting the spiritual with the physical and ultimately being a force for the highest good. At her passing I imagine her gardens and her trees grieving in their way just as all her human friends and family are, marking the life of an extraordinary soul.
Our Acquisitions Editor Elysia, who worked with Pat on her latest book, offered the following:
I have a very different memory of and experience with Patricia Monaghan than many people who are currently mourning her loss. To many people she was a real-life friend and mentor; I never met her in person. To many others she was an inspirational figure, the bridge that connected them to the Goddess; she wasn’t that for me. She was one of my many authors, who I never put on pedestals but treat as competent human beings whose hard work adds value to our company. We had a business relationship, and she really excelled at her profession as an author—always clear, punctual, gracious, and communicative.
But she was more than that. Obviously. She was one of the nicest and most down-to-earth people I have had the pleasure of working with. Every email we exchanged, every phone conversation we had, inevitably veered off the topic of her manuscript and into other fun nooks and crannies such as local wineries, Justin Bieber busking in Stratford, her introducing me to the concept of “garden porn.” I promised her travel tips for Hungary if ever she should go (sadly, a conference there she was planning to attend had been called off) and she promised me travel tips for Ireland whenever I’m eventually ready to go. We talked about the Shoe Box near her home in Black Earth and she encouraged me to come visit her gardens. More than anything else, that’s what I would say was one of her main characteristics—how enthusiastic she was about everything she loved, and how encouraging she was of every single person on a personal level. I hope to take that spirit forward and be just as connected to and supportive of people in my life.
Patricia is survived by her husband, Dr. Michael McDermott.
What a terrible loss! I had the privilege of being her friend. I stayed at her home during a convention in Chicago and we went to a divey blues club called Checkers. She was incredible knowledgeable and friendly, freely sharing what she knew and experienced. I loved one of her tales of breaking into an archeological dig to see what was going on.
Patricia’s books on goddesses have been well-researched blessing to us all. She is rightfully honored by Pagans and feminists around the world. My condolences to her family, and my wishes that the Goddess enfolds her, heals her, and refreshes her with love.
[…] Magical Gardens – written 15 years ago by the late and great Patricia Monaghan, a couple years ago she contacted me to see if we’d be interested in releasing a revised and updated anniversary edition. Of course I said yes! This book is a treasure, and if I ever have a yard, I will use this book to design an enchanted garden – maybe Bast’s Cat Garden, maybe Kuan-Yin’s Garden of Mercy, maybe the Sorcerer’s Secret Garden – it all depends on the light and location of the garden. I learned so much about gardening and beauty from this book. Pat passed away just a half year after this book was reissued; you can read our thoughts on her passing here. […]
What a shock when I opened your newest catalogue today. Of course I didn’t physically know Patricia, but we had emailed several times. I have one of her books, well worn, pages turned down, colored scribblings of ideas, and we laughed email-wise over that. I had dearly hoped to attend one of her conferences. Major condolences and love to her family, friends, and folks at Llewelyn; thanks for sharing her with us………………sue
I have been reading Patricia’s Goddess every morning for eight years. It is as fresh to me today as when I first bought it. Her warmth and knowledge comes through so clearly I will miss knowing she is no longer with us.This past year I bought her Garden book and have been pouring over it. I love picturing her planning and working in it. I was so sad when the new catalog told of her passing but happy they brought me to her.She will be missed.