2. The second, or energy body that is closest to the physical body. As with all the subtle bodies, it has two layers:
The first, sometimes called the "Etheric Double," is fully coincident with the physical body in health and extends about an inch beyond physical skin. It is the psycho-physical circuitry of the human body (the chakras, nadis, and meridians) through which the life-force flows under direction of the astral matrix. To clairvoyant vision, it is the health aura and appears as very fine needles of radiation—standing straight up in health and lying down in illness.
The second layer, along with the astral and mental bodies, forms the egg-shaped aura surrounding the human body. It is an interface between the individual and dynamic planetary energies and cosmic forces the sustain life.
The Etheric Body can be projected (see Etheric Projection) and can be molded by intense thought and thus shape the physical body.