Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Urim and Thummim

A form of divination used by the high priests of the ancient Hebrews. Although the words themselves seem to translate as “lights and perfections,” several other translations are given. They may be derived from the Babylonian “urtu” (“command” or decision”) and “tamitu” (“divine oracle”). The exact nature of the urim and thummim is unknown, but it is speculated that they were either some form of dice, small images such as were found on the mummy of an Egyptian priest, or perhaps the stones of the breastplate of the high priest.

The concept of the urim and thummim being stones has been presented because the Bible indicates they were kept “in” the high priest’s breastplate (known as the “Breastplate of Judgment”), and on the breastplate were stones, one for each of the tribes of the Hebrews. However, the exact nature of this sacred divinatory tool is unknown.

The precise method of its use is also unknown, however it is believed that questions could be asked and the answer, determined by the urim and thumim and revealed by the high priest, would be in the form of yes or no.