
Free Tarot Reading - Results

Selected Deck:  The Llewellyn Tarot   (about this deck)
Selected Layout:  Path to a Goal
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Your Tarot Reading
Five of Swords
StrengthThe Hanged Man
Ace of PentaclesThe World
Six of SwordsTwo of Swords
The FoolAce of Swords
The EmpressPage of Wands
About the Cards in Your Reading
The Empress
In the Health position
The Empress
Hidden health; physical and emotional.

Meaning: A kind, capable woman. One who instills confidence in others. A beneficial influence. A strong role model. A woman who promotes and encourages the potential of those around her. A peacemaker and diplomat. An intelligent, calm, mature personality. Determination and dignity. One who teaches by example. A nurturing, considerate person who gives much to the community. Confidence. Empathy. A matriarch. Guidance and support. A mother figure. Security, comfort, and appreciation. Fertility. Personal development.

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Page of Wands
In the Health position
Page of Wands
Visible health; physical and emotional.

Meaning: Arrival of a positive phase. Good news brought by a cheerful friend or ally. Youth, potential, and flexibility. Socializing. Being open to new ideas. Stimulation. Broadening horizons. A true, faithful heart. Play and excitement.

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The Fool
In the Attitude position
The Fool
Hidden mental attitude.

Meaning: A beginning. Embarking. Establishing a path. A leap of faith. Venturing off on one's own. New possibilities. Optimism. Not being limited by previous experience or the opinions of others. An open mind. A break with convention. Nonconformity. Lack of reason. Deliberate ignorance. Folly. Learning through play. Testing and exploring. Acting without a plan. Being open to new experiences. Enthusiasm. Trust. Innocence. Choosing a path that may appear foolish to others. Unrealistic expectations. Being in the present. Uninhibited behaviour. Chasing rainbows. Being blissfully unaware of dangers allows one to reach a higher goal. Or, if aware of the danger, choosing not to let fear hold one back.

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Ace of Swords
In the Attitude position
Ace of Swords
Visible mental attitude.

Meaning: Action. Great, rising force. Taking control. Determination. Energy. Swiftness. Bringing about change. Direction and enacting ideas. Quick, clever, decisive action. Implementing plans. Follow through. Release of energy and pressure. Confidence. Conviction. Heroics and focus. Discriminating powers‹cutting through and free of the briar. Cutting ties. Clearing the air. Sense of timing. Harnessing the winds. Rocking the boat. Engaging life.

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Six of Swords
In the Relationships position
Six of Swords
Hidden relationships.

Meaning: Movement. Improvement of any situation. Safe passage. More than sympathy, but help from others. Moving away from an unhealthy situation. Lessening stress, yet destination unknown. Travel over water. A new chapter. Sometimes interpreted as a declaration of love. Direction. A powerful card in aligning heart and mind. Focus and follow-through, yet unpredictable result.

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Two of Swords
In the Relationships position
Two of Swords
Visible relationships.

Meaning: Armed peace. Uncertainty. Limited information. Impasse. Blind judgment. Sensing. Frail alliance but with potential. Invitation to friendship, collaboration, or union, but not being met halfway. Questioning whether friend or foe. Dual nature. Energized by a not yet decided situation, relationship, or path venturing into the unknown. Having to proceed while in the dark, using intuition or caution. Self-reliance. Having to make a blind choice to break a stalemate.

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Ace of Pentacles
In the Career position
Ace of Pentacles
Hidden career.

Meaning: You have been given a resource. Use it well and be grateful.

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The World
In the Career position
The World
Visible career.

Meaning: Ascension. Opening to a higher dimension. Culmination and synthesis. Enlightenment. Attaining a broader view of life. Moving beyond the personal to become aware of the interconnected nature of life. Harmony and perfection. Peace and freedom of thought. Inspiration and comprehension. Ecstasy. Glimpses, however brief, of the great mysteries of life. Being able to appreciate the larger scene or patterns in life. Faith. Epiphany. A heightened sense of being alive. Purpose. Confidence. Completion. Enjoying life and anticipating its curves. Unencumbered by the trivial. Being in control of one¹s fate. Intelligence. Independence. Determination and stability. Strength and enthusiasm. Intuition and spiritual heights. Crowning achievement. Reward and promotion. Graduation. Lasting happiness. As the last of the major arcana, the Universe represents the height of a progression. The Universe card is associated with the four evangelists, Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John, who in turn are equated with incarnation, passion, resurrection, and ascension, respectively.

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In the Spirit position
Hidden spiritual path.

Meaning: Courage. The determination to overcome obstacles. Inner strength. Spiritual strength. Consistent effort. Conviction. Having the strength to persevere. Being able to withstand naysayers and judgments of others and not be deterred. Facing one¹s fears. Being true. Harnessing passions that threaten to overwhelm but may be tamed with compassion and the will to overcome. Faith. Vitality. Ability to endure failures, losses, and disappointment, and yet keep the faith. Tenacity. Energy and intelligence. Work. Activity. Integrity. Focus and discipline. Overcoming. Outlasting competition or conditions. Reason and passion unite to bring strength.

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The Hanged Man
In the Spirit position
The Hanged Man
Visible spiritual path.

Meaning: Restraint. Suspension. Stalemate. Atonement. Not being able to make one's influence felt. Being held at a disadvantage. The dull pain born of constraint. Being caught in a web. A freeze on life. Detachment and isolation. Impotence and chastisement. Can mean a punishment, as in the law of retaliation applying to the traitor. Such suspensions can follow betraying one's self in doing or allowing something in one's life that was known to be wrong. Feeling marginalized, which can be a form of protection. Redemption. The silence of constraint brings deeper self-knowledge and sharpens the intuitive senses as a blind man "sees". Tapping a deep root. Uncommon knowledge. A life pared down to the basics. A time of gestation in a borderland state between chapters in life. Self-sacrifice in pursuit of knowledge or a cause. Energy drain. Delays and suspension of plans. A wise temporary surrender. Endurance. Insight. Being still in order to learn the secret to freeing one's self.

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Five of Swords
In the Outcome position
Five of Swords
Outcome of the present path.

Meaning: Loss, sorrow, regret. Defeat. Overwhelming opposition. Thwarted by obstacles. Loss of confidence. Sometimes being made to suffer the sins of others. Lack of strength and resources. Feeling disoriented. Loss of blood. Misjudging a situation or person. Rash action. Humiliation. Unfortunate meeting. Mercy or the lack of it.

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About the Deck
The Llewellyn Tarot
By: Anna-Marie Ferguson

From the creator of the popular Legend: The Arthurian Tarot Kit, this lavishly illustrated deck offers universal appeal (based on Rider-Waite) with a Welsh twist.

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