
Free Tarot Reading - Results

Selected Deck:  The Llewellyn Tarot   (about this deck)
Selected Layout:  Path to a Goal
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Your Tarot Reading
King of PentaclesFour of Cups
The HermitKnight of Swords
Page of WandsQueen of Swords
Six of CupsFive of Wands
TemperanceQueen of Wands
About the Cards in Your Reading
In the Health position
Hidden health; physical and emotional.

Meaning: Tempering. Moderation. Adaptation. Managing a volatile situation in a calm, thoughtful way. Grace under pressure. Healing. Balance, reflection, and patience. Having clear boundaries. A confident and outspoken survivor. Bridging two very different worlds. The successful mixing of two opposites. Combining materials. This tarot card is sometimes called the Art card and speaks of visionary art that brings ideas from one world to the next. Being of two worlds. Ability to adapt. Beneficial transformation. Successful combination of ideas, lifestyles, or people. Creating a nurturing, appropriate environment. Caring for one's health. Repose. Feeling protected and removed. Guardian angel. Self-control. Compatibility. Blending and harmony. Finding inner peace. A period of waiting and constructive use of time.

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Queen of Wands
In the Health position
Queen of Wands
Visible health; physical and emotional.

Meaning: An intelligent woman with a warm heart. She is admired for being self-made, having earned her standing in the world by way of her own hard work and talents. This experience makes her sensitive to the struggles of others she finds worthy. Courage, conviction, high ideals. A steadfast supporter. A woman who stimulates and teaches those around her. A person of intellectual influence. Politics and education. While she enjoys luxury, she values accomplishment and attempts to leave her mark on society.

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Six of Cups
In the Attitude position
Six of Cups
Hidden mental attitude.

Meaning: Friendship. Play. Remembering past happiness and childlike innocence. Renewal. Nostalgia. Pleasant company. Reminiscing with old friends. Drawing strength from shared experiences. Being understood and appreciated. Teamwork. Taking pleasure in simple, wholesome activities and surroundings. Seeing the good in life.

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Five of Wands
In the Attitude position
Five of Wands
Visible mental attitude.

Meaning: Competition. Erratic energy. Confusion. Inconsistent effort. Preoccupation with material acquisitions. Appearing a fool in trying to keep up with the Joneses. Overspending. Impatience and stress. Waxing and waning of purpose. Clash of ideas and principles. Sloppy effort. Rebellion and turmoil. Breakdown of communication. Hurting others by giving mixed messages. Need to reevaluate situation, organize, and start afresh.

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Page of Wands
In the Relationships position
Page of Wands
Hidden relationships.

Meaning: Arrival of a positive phase. Good news brought by a cheerful friend or ally. Youth, potential, and flexibility. Socializing. Being open to new ideas. Stimulation. Broadening horizons. A true, faithful heart. Play and excitement.

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Queen of Swords
In the Relationships position
Queen of Swords
Visible relationships.

Meaning: An impressive, empowering, trailblazing woman. Courage and intelligence. Steely determination. Revolutionary, pioneering qualities. Confidence. One who will not be held down by convention. Even if she appears mild-mannered, at her core she remains an independent, even rebellious spirit. Gains. Taking control. No-nonsense sort of woman. May be careless or unsympathetic with the feelings of others.

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The Hermit
In the Career position
The Hermit
Hidden career.

Meaning: Silence. Retreat. Withdrawing from the outside world. Protection and concealment. Calm soul-searching. Seeking wisdom and understanding of the larger patterns in life. Guidance or advice from an elder. Pilgrimage. Searching, wandering. A philosopher. Psychic abilities enhanced by peace and freedom of thought. Foresight. Prudence. Knowledge. A study and respect of nature and the limits it places upon us, such as the effects of seasons, time, etc. Reflection. Giving thought to one¹s self or condition. Leaving the material riches in search of the spiritual. Celibacy. Healing. Resolving serious problems. Recuperating. Valuing time alone. Taking time to lick one¹s wounds. Peace. The solitary nature of the Hermit card can be a positive or negative condition in one¹s life‹on the positive side, solitary time can bring peace and clarity, a balancing, a sense of well-being, or transformation. On the other hand, it can be negative in isolating a person, creating misanthropy, and bringing on fear, fatigue, and depression and distancing one from real aspirations, dreams, opportunities, and good company. Check surrounding cards for an indication as to positive or negative influence.

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Knight of Swords
In the Career position
Knight of Swords
Visible career.

Meaning: Daring, impressive young man of action. An impulsive but usually well-meaning person. Heroic, if a little rash. A man who can be wearing and disruptive, but also effective. Being determined, intelligent, and single-minded. Goals taking priority over relationships. A mercenary. Standing up for oneself or others. Bringing matters to a head.

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King of Pentacles
In the Spirit position
King of Pentacles
Hidden spiritual path.

Meaning: A proud, self-assured man. Established wealth. Security and social status. A grounded, practical leader. An intelligent man who, if not talented himself, values and supports the gifts of others. Recognizing the value of culture to a society. Money with ethical conscience. Practical help and skills. A supportive husband.

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Four of Cups
In the Spirit position
Four of Cups
Visible spiritual path.

Meaning: Discontent and isolation. Feeling at a loss as to what can be done to improve a situation. Doubt. Melancholy. A disenchanting experience. Disgust. Can also indicate being fussy. Having to deal with naysayers. Not recognizing what one has. It is an encouraging card, indicating help that seems to be divine intervention ensuring one has all the cups one needs.

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In the Outcome position
Outcome of the present path.

Meaning: Deliberating. Search for truth and justice. Weighing an issue or situation. Striving for balance and equilibrium. Remaining impartial or centered, and so capable of fair judgment. Insight. Honesty and honour. Discriminating logic. The value of order. The triumph of reason. Appropriate response. Karma. Law of cause and effect. Negotiating. Equal partnerships. Legal affairs. Favourable judgment in legal matters. Selfgovernment. Having the inner strength and confidence not to be swayed by the opinions of others. Internal balance achieved by being temporarily unattached to an outcome. Having the patience to allow Justice time to determine Her course. Having the courage, strength, and conviction to uphold and implement justice. Taking the right action, even if unpopular or costly. The card can relate to civil justice or the concept of divine justice.

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About the Deck
The Llewellyn Tarot
By: Anna-Marie Ferguson

From the creator of the popular Legend: The Arthurian Tarot Kit, this lavishly illustrated deck offers universal appeal (based on Rider-Waite) with a Welsh twist.

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