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Free Tarot Reading - Results

Selected Deck:  Sacred Circle   (about this deck)
Selected Layout:  Path to a Goal
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Your Tarot Reading
9 of Cups
DeathQueen of Wands
The High PriestQueen of Swords
Ace of Swords10 of Cups
Queen of DiscsKing of Discs
7 of Discs5 of Wands
About the Cards in Your Reading
7 of Discs
In the Health position
7 of Discs
Hidden health; physical and emotional.

Meaning: You are not prepared to work for what you want, but think you can take a shortcut. These pipe dreams are preventing you from putting in the time and consistent effort you really need to be successful.

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5 of Wands
In the Health position
5 of Wands
Visible health; physical and emotional.

Meaning: The Five of Wands indicates that you are in danger of becoming carried away in following a dream and not noticing what is actually going on around you - reality is about to intrude.

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Queen of Discs
In the Attitude position
Queen of Discs
Hidden mental attitude.

Meaning: She is strong and independent, practical, and very fond of good food, clothes, possessions, and pleasure. She can be a good friend when it suits her, but she is capable of using others for her own ends.

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King of Discs
In the Attitude position
King of Discs
Visible mental attitude.

Meaning: He is steady, methodical, and reliable. He thinks carefully before he acts, and when he does act, he follows the course he has set for himself without deviation.

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Ace of Swords
In the Relationships position
Ace of Swords
Hidden relationships.

Meaning: The Ace of Swords indicates an awakening of mental powers, a surge of new ideas and concepts that will change your view of the world and your life forever.

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10 of Cups
In the Relationships position
10 of Cups
Visible relationships.

Meaning: You are now reaping the rewards of all your efforts. It is a time of great happiness within the family and you will experience the joy of true friendships. This situation has firm foundations and will be long lasting.

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The High Priest
In the Career position
The High Priest
Hidden career.

Meaning: If the card of the High Priest appears in your spread, it is telling you that you have unexplored skills and abilities. The High Priest is telling you that you must organize, plan, and use the creative power of your mind to achieve your full potential. Deep within yourself, you have unknown strengths and abilities to explore and develop. You are seeking answers to philosophical questions and you may be drawn to study a philosophy or religion in the hope that it may have the answers.

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Queen of Swords
In the Career position
Queen of Swords
Visible career.

Meaning: The appearance of the Queen of Swords in your spread may indicate that a woman will become important in your life. She is graceful and unconventional.

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In the Spirit position
Hidden spiritual path.

Meaning: This card does not presage a physical death but, like the harvest, marks the end of a cycle in which the seeds of a new one are sown. The card indicates a time of adjustment and mourning, a suspension between the old stage and the new. On a higher level, the Death card can indicate a re-evaluation of your life and a change in your consciousness.

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Queen of Wands
In the Spirit position
Queen of Wands
Visible spiritual path.

Meaning: With the Queen, what you see is what you get. She is completely open and straightforward and detests people who employ subtleties and tricks to get what they want. Those whom she takes to her heart will find her a loyal and loving friend who provides both a strong shoulder to cry on and practical help in a crisis.

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9 of Cups
In the Outcome position
9 of Cups
Outcome of the present path.

Meaning: The Nine of Cups is sometimes called "the Wish Card" and heralds the fulfillment of a dream. It shows that difficulties have been overcome and that all your efforts and steady commitment will be rewarded.

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About the Deck
Sacred Circle
By: Anna Franklin

The Sacred Circle Tarot is a new concept in tarot design, combining photographs, computer imagines, and traditional drawing techniques to create stunning images. It draws upon the Pagan heritage and sacred sites of Britain and Ireland to facilitate meditation, personal growth, and spiritual development.

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