1. Your new book is Good Juju. What inspired you to write the book?
I have a deep desire to introduce people to magical spirituality as a system that they can use to bring positive energy into their lives. While I believe the study of folk magick practices are important, such as learning how to craft mojos and do spell work, I also believe there is much more to be gained from practicing magical spirituality as a system of core beliefs and rituals, that gain in strength and power as one commits to them on a consistent basis.
2. From where do you draw your magical inspiration?
I am blessed to live in the mile-high city of Denver, Colorado. Living at 5,280 feet, we have a unique relationship with the sky, mountains, the sun, and the moon. Daily I am inspired by Nature, the Goddess as she expresses as the Divine Feminine, and my spiritual-magickal practices which includes the sacred religion of Vodou, the powerful martial art of Kung Fu, and the African-American folk magic of Hoodoo.
3. How exactly do you define "good juju?"
Good Juju is a handshake with Spirit. It is the good vibes and positive vibrations one receives from aligning themselves with Nature, the Earth, their ancestors, and magical spiritual practices on a daily basis, which uplifts their mind, body and spirit.
4. The book includes rituals, mojos, and other practices. Do readers need to be familiar with these practices, or follow any particular spiritual path, to use them?
My book is written for the person who is just beginning to step their toes into the waters of magick, as well as for the person who has been on the spiritual/magical path for a long time. My hope is everyone will find something of value, as they journey on the path of magical spirituality.
5. Why are the practices in Good Juju so powerful?
The practices in Good Juju are powerful because they are authentic and originate from my own personal experiences as a spiritual and magickal person. I poured my heart and soul into Good Juju, and I believe readers will feel my sincere desire to communicate with them as they journey, one step at a time, upon the path of magickal spirituality.
6. What do you hope your readers take away from Good Juju?
I hope readers will begin to see the practice of magical spirituality as a whole body, mind and spiritual approach to daily living. I hope they will learn to value themselves as divine beings, and know the importance of being people who are called to practice the Old Ways while living in these modern times, and feel confident our ways are valid, valuable, and necessary for the health, growth and forward movement of humankind. And while those are serious goals, I also want them to realize even the most spiritual people make mistakes, and flub up from time to time. And when that happens to you as you journey along the spiritual path, you can take a moment to laugh and realize the goal is to keep going, keep practicing and not give up!