Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Astral Reunion

Where do people go when they leave their bodies?

Frequently they go to see those persons they most care about: absent family members, friends and sweethearts. One famous example of astral reunion occurred in 1862 and concerned a Bridgeport, Connecticut, man named Wilmot who was returning home from England on a ship. During the voyage a storm broke out at sea and raged for several days.

One morning as the storm was starting to die down, Wilmot dreamed that his wife, who was waiting for him in Bridgeport, entered his cabin. Clad only in her nightdress, she hesitated for a moment, then leaned over, kissed him and left.

Wilmot was awakened by his cabin mate’s laughter. From the upper bunk the man grinned down and said, "You’re a pretty fellow to have a lady come and visit you this way." To Wilmot the experience had been a dream but to the other man, who had been awake all the time, it was a real event.

When Wilmot finally arrived home, his wife said she felt she had "visited" him early one morning while he was on board the ship. She said she had lain awake almost all night worrying about the storm on the ocean. In a moment of particular anxiety she seemed to leave her body and to speed across the thousand miles that separated them. When she found the ship, she entered his room and found him sleeping. She hesitated for a moment because the man in the upper bunk was staring at her, she said, but then she kissed him and returned to her body. Her description of the physical environment in which all this had taken place was perfectly accurate.

Concern for the well being of loved ones is among the most powerful motivating forces in the projection of the astral body. In these circumstances astral projection serves the beneficial purpose of reassuring us that the particular friend or relative we are worried about is well.

Of course we may also find out that the person is not well, that he or she needs our help in
some way. In one instance a sleeping mother left her body and entered her infant son’s room, where she was horrified to discover he was smothering under a blanket. Her astral body snapped back into her physical body and she raced into the room just in time to save the baby’s life.
See also:  Astral Projection
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