The goal of the rituals and training of High Magick (also called "Ceremonial Magick," but there are differences) is none other than the attainment of Knowledge and Conversation with your personal Holy Guardian Angel. It’s the "initiation" that marks your transition from a mostly unconscious human being to a mostly conscious Whole Person.
There are many Paths to the Center (becoming Whole), but this Magickal Operation has the advantages of being designed just for that purpose. Even the solitary Magick of Abramelin the Mage required six months for accomplishment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.
The G∴B∴G∴ was neither a "social" club nor a traditional magical order in which other magical operations and celebrations might be practiced. The "Shortcut to Initiation" was the substance of the G∴B∴G∴’s work. Each group met often and regularly, repeating the ritual again and again without loss of pertinence and interest.
Why? Because the program speaks to the soul of the aspirant. The Higher Self is gathering the strands of self-discovery as the Lower and Middle Selves work their way through daily life, weaving those strands into thicker skeins to become the Rainbow Bridge of conscious integration made possible through life-experience.
Note that it is both Knowledge and Conversation—the goal is two-way Communication but the realization is of Union and Self-Knowledge is instantaneous.