Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Astral Whiplash


Astral projection is safe, practical, and very enjoyable. Although some people worry needlessly (“What happens if I project and can’t get back?), the real difficulty with astral projection is getting out of body in the first place. Your astral body has a natural desire to exist closely associated with your physical body. The chance of getting lost is hardly likely, especially during early attempts when people are not going to travel far from their bodies anyway.

Because of this natural attraction of the astral body for the physical body, there is a strong “pull” between the two. When you get started on your astral travels, it is possible that you can get rapidly “sucked” back into your physical body. This is known as “astral whiplash” and can result in feelings of shakiness and headache due to leaving some of your astral material on the astral plane. This will wear off in a short time as the material naturally works its way back to the physical body. Alternatively, you can project back to the astral plane and retrace your steps, reacquiring the astral substance.

AUTHOR:  Donald Michael Kraig