Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Inner Dialogue


1.  On a simple level, an inner dialogue is merely talking to yourself. Therapeutically, it is a specific way to create desired change.

2.  Positive inner-dialogue is self-empowerment at its peak. It can be defined simply as the empowering messages you send to yourself. Once you’ve formulated your personal goals, inner-dialogue can activate the resources required to achieve them. Think of your dialogue as personal affirmations of power which you can present either audibly or silently as thought messages. You will probably find, however, that silent messages become even more powerful when supplemented by the sound of your own voice.

Positive inner-dialogue is essential to self-empowerment because it provides instant and direct access to the unlimited powers of the subconscious.  It includes all the positive messages we send to ourselves through a variety of channels that include not only our verbal expressions but also our beliefs, orientations, aspirations, values, expectations, perceptions, and attitudes. A major advantage of inner dialogue is that it can used almost any time or place.

Among the most effective forms of inner-dialogue are the positive "I am" messages we send to ourselves. Examples are: I am empowered to succeed. I am destined for greatness, and I am a person of worth, each of which can build powerful feeling of self-confidence and well-being. Even when not directly targeted to the subconscious mind, inner-dialogue will nonetheless be registered there.

AUTHOR:  Carl Llewellyn Weschcke