Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Karma

1.  Depending on the culture, the concept of karma has several different interpretations. While some schools of thought use the term to mean a sort of payback for our good and bad deeds, others (notably Buddhist scholars) maintain that karma never means the effect of a good or bad deed, but the deed itself. This initial deed, they argue, sets into motion a chain of events that leads to eiher good or bad situations, depending on the nature of the original deed. Edgar Cayce, on the other hand, taught that the consequences of our actions in this life were not karma, but simply cause and effect. He said that karma was always what we bring into this life as consequences from a past life.
SOURCE:  Karmic Palmistry, by Jon Saint-Germain
2.  Rewards for past deeds, whether positive or negative. Karma is an objective, impersonal balancing mechanism existing in the universal spirit.
SOURCE:  Lunar Nodes, by Celeste Teal
3.  Action or deed. The cause and effect law of the Universe in which each thought, word and action have a result. Seeds of yesterday or past life karmas bear fruit today or in future lives.
SOURCE:  Sacred Path of Reiki, by Katalin Koda

4.   In general, the force generated by a person’s actions.

AUTHOR:  Carl Llewellyn Weschcke
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