Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Three

1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: Three symbolizes creation—the result of two separate forces combining to create a third entity. A mother and a father produce a child together. A thesis and an antithesis combine to produce a synthesis. The number three can also represent body, mind, and spirit, or past, present and future. Many religions believe in a holy trinity, such as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, or Maiden, Mother, and Crone, or the triple goddess of the New, Full, and Old Moon.
SOURCE:  Tarot for Writers, by Corrine Kenner

2.  On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, three is the number of Binah, the topmost sephirah on the left-hand pillar, the third in order from the top of the Tree. It represents the first Heh of Tetragrammaton, and thus is the universal mother.

In magickal groups, this is associated with the degree known as Magister Templi, master of the temple, implying that such a person has true mystical understanding of the mysteries.