POSTED UNDER Bath, Children, Wind

Throw Your Worries to the Wind Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Cinnamon

The Hindus celebrate the festival of Holi by shaking their worries off, dressing in bright colors, and playing. Yes, that's right; they are adults and they play. Hindus in general believe that play is essential to the well-being of humankind (not just children-kind). To prepare yourself for a new attitude toward play, visualize yourself bathed in gold light. Imagine your solar plexus is a cavity filled with your worries. Take some time to examine them and turn them over in your mind. Write each of your worries on a piece of paper, then light the paper and throw it to the winds. Watch your worries fly away on the breezes. Now your solar plexus is empty. What will you fill it with? This is your chance to fill it with things that give you joy, with games and play and frivolous fun. Write down what gives you joy on a piece of paper just as before. Make a promise to make time every week to play.

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