Change in Luck Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Sage

Luck, or the lack thereof, is primarily self-created. However, with some practice you can influence the universal energies and so tip the scales of luck your favor. For a fast change of luck you will need a gold candle, and to attract a more sustained change in luck you will need a small piece of fluorite. Start by lighting the gold candle. Focus on the changes that you would like to manifest. Focus these changes in the present tense to the fluorite. Visualize your energy melding with the fluorite. State these or similar words:

Changing energies,
Universal luck,
Weighted my way- Fortunate door opening,
Beginning this day.

Visualize the release of energy to the universe. Extinguish the candle. Keep the fluorite with you as a reminder to be alert for opportunity.

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