Removing Obstacles to Success Spell

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Cedar

Obstacles are essential elements of growth. They point to our inner learning needs, or to shadow areas of "self-sabotage" in our subconscious. Identifying and addressing obstacles will guide you through the lessons necessary for personal growth in life. Ignoring an obstacle will ensure that it returns later in a more formidable form. For this spell for overcoming obstacles, light three white candles. Place a cleansed obsidian in front of the candles. State these or similar words:

By the light of darkest night,
Bring my obstacles into sight.
I overcome these barriers
by my successful might.

Focus on the obsidian. Mentally open yourself to your obstacles. Claim ownership of the obstacles, and trace them back to their roots. Address the shadows or the lessons that these obstacles represent and learn from what they say to you.

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