Smell-the-Flowers Spell

Have you ever driven a long way and arrived only to realize that you were traveling on autopilot and missed the trip? If so, try this spell during your next journey. As you climb into your car, say aloud: "As I travel, Mercury, let me be here, let me see, mind awake and eyes alert, tales to tell, so mote it be!" Now pretend that you are going to report on this trip later. Look for items worth telling about-a giant cottonwood, for instance, its age, its history, its size and beauty; or a dilapidated old house, and the shrubbery that covers it and makes it seem spooky. Keep discovering new items until you have collected nine, then rehearse them in your mind. If you forget any, make sure to find something to replace it.
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About Amber K
Amber K is a third degree priestess of the Wiccan faith. She was initiated at the Temple of the Pagan Way in Chicago and served on the Council of Elders there. Her books on magick and the Craft have been widely circulated in the United States and Europe, and for nearly 25 years she has traveled ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=13