POSTED UNDER Air, Blessing, Winter

Spell of the Library Goddess

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Evergreen
Color of the day: Red
Incense of the day: Evergreen

It's natural to want to hibernate during the cold winter months. But instead of sleeping the months away, you can use them to gain knowledge. That is, at this time you can take the time to study a topic in which you are interested. Or you can spend some extra time in your local library, wander the stacks, dig through the older books-the books that no one has checked out in a long time. The winter is perfect for seeking out hidden and forgotten treasure troves of information. After all, you don't feel like going outside, so why not take advantage? Before you begin your searches, ask for the blessing of the library goddess to lead you to what you need, or to even what you don't need but that might simply improve your life in some unexpected way. Then, wander the stacks with an open heart. You will feel the tingle in the air when you begin to close in on what you are meant to find. Think of this as a game of "hotter, colder." When you are finished, thank the library goddess and make offerings. Such offerings include donations of books you no longer need to libraries, schools, or social service programs.
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