Irish Charm for Protection

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Juniper
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Juniper

Winter has weakened its icy grip, yet March winds howl like the Irish Bean Sidhe, the wailing woman of the hills. Known commonly as the banshee, this Celtic death spirit is thought to haunt the fairy hills and knolls, keening her death cry into the wind. Her flowing hair and robes create a formidable image. Hearing her wail portends a death. Make an Irish charm of protection tonight. Gather a green candle, a plate, a four-leaf clover (or its image), and four drops of rosemary oil. Melt the candle wax to make a coin-sized puddle on the plate. As it hardens, press in the clover, add the oil, and shape a charm. As you mold, infuse it with protection energy, saying:

Love conquers fear.
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