Obatala Mercy Spell

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Musk
Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Musk

Ask for Obatala's mercy on tax day. Obatala is the Yoruban god of purity, goodness, and mercy. Before mailing your tax return, put a little coriander oil on the envelope. You may also anoint your wallet, checkbook, and so on. Take an Epsom salt or milk bath to feel pure, and wear at least one item of white clothing today. Buy an Obatala candle at a botanica, or if unavailable, light a white seven-day candle, anointing it with the oil as well. Ask Obatala to keep you from being one of those unlucky taxpayers who is chosen at random for a tax audit. Offer him a glass of pure spring water, a white rose, and some hard candy. Light the candle every day until it burns down.
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