Color of the day: Brown Incense of the day: Eucalyptus Incense of the day: Eucalyptus Wednesday is the day of Woden, the father-god of the Norse and Germanic deities. Though an elder, Woden is strong, wise, and protective. Raet is the Egyptian crone goddess, the female Ra. Often shown with a lioness's head, she too is, though aged, strong and fierce. Use today to honor your crones-and cronies. Put down the knitting, and kickstart the Harley. Take the grandkids to some event you both can enjoy-a hockey game, say, or a Rolling Stones concert. Celebrate your age. Refuse to give in to stereotypes. Or, if you are not an elder yourself, find one who is, and take him or her out tonight for an evening of fun. Give your elders a gift depicting lions or lionesses, and let them roar. |