POSTED UNDER Blessing, Cat, Prayer

Prayers Answered Spell

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Thyme
Color of the day: Rose
Incense of the day: Thyme

The ancient Romans dedicated this day to the goddesses Diana and Hecate. Women held processions to thank the goddesses for answering their prayers. The holiday was such a crucial one that the Christians later adopted it as the Assumption of Mary. This day also marks the beginning of harvest time, when a bad storm can still destroy most of the crop in the fields. It is a day of balance between life and death, hence the emphasis on female divinities who protect both the living and the dead. Today, leave offerings of seasonal foods like bread, apple cider, garlic, and other root crops. Say this prayer:

Goddess, watch over us
in all your forms-
bright face, dark face, and shadowed face.
Accept our thanks for blessings received,
and protect us during this harvest time.
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