POSTED UNDER Blessing, Children, Earth, AND MORE

More Offerings to Carmenta

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Maple
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Maple

The Roman holiday of Carmentalia honors the goddess Carmenta, who oversees pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnant women made offerings of rice to Carmenta to ensure an easy delivery. People also hung straw dolls to propitiate Mania, the mother of ghosts, since the door of life swings both ways. Carmenta's feast foods include long cream-filled and triangular raspberry-filled pastries to represent the genitalia from which all life springs. Bake or buy a batch of these to share with friends. If you or someone you know is pregnant, today is perfect for a baby shower. Or you can babysit for friends who have small children, or donate baby clothes to a charity. Here is a verse for working with Carmenta:

Mother, sister, daughter, wife,
Hinge that hangs the door of life,
Pour your blessings on the earth.
Healthy baby, gentle birth.
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