POSTED UNDER Earth, Home, Winter

Resting Season Spell

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Parsley
Color of the day: Pink
Incense of the day: Parsley

All species have their resting season. Humans too have cycles, even though they are the only species that looks upon inactivity as being "bad." So let's honor our cycles, and embrace our natural behaviors by turning off all the lights in our homes some time today. Light a green votive candle, and burn incense such as patchouli or pine. Relax, and play soothing music or nature sounds. Breathe deeply, and imagine you are a bear deep in its winter cave, or a seed buried deep in the earth. Speak the following words:

I am of the earth.
I am one with all things.
I will care for myself.
I will allow myself to rest.

When you are ready, turn on the lights and let the candle burn out. As you go through your busy days, remember the joy of allowing yourself the luxury of doing nothing.
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