Brain Power Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Cedar
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Cedar

For this spell you need a yellow candle, some rosemary oil, and a carving instrument. Carve the word "clarity" lengthwise on one side of the candle, and on the other side carve the word "logic." Repeat with the words "memory" and "concentration." Anoint the candle with rosemary oil. Hold the candle to your mouth and whisper:

I set your task
To bring forth what I ask:
Improved memory,
And perfect clarity.
I concentrate longer,
My logic is stronger,
With goodwill to all
And harm to none.
As I speak it
So it is done!

Repeat the chant nine times. Allow the candle to burn out. Save some of the hardened wax drippings for use in sachets.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=1884