Protection Ritual for Healers

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Maple
Color of the day: Red
Incense of the day: Maple

This ritual is particularly useful for health workers, alternative health professionals, and fortunetellers. Consecrate a mirror and keep it in a drawer along with some charcoal disks, a heat-proof dish containing sand, some foil, a blue towel, a lighter, and the gum resins of frankincense, myrrh, and benzoin. Perform this ritual at least once a week. Position a small table in the middle of the consultation room and cover it with the blue towel. Put a length of foil over the towel. On top of the foil, prop the mirror against a sturdy object with the mirror facing the door. Put the sand-filled heat-proof dish in front of the mirror, light a charcoal disk, and place the disk on top of the sand. Burn grains of gum resin on the charcoal to fumigate the room. Upon completion, douse the charcoal disk with water. Pour the sand, charcoal, and resin remnants into the foil. Wrap the foil up, and dispose of the remnants outside on your premises. Be sure there is a fresh supply of sand for each new ritual.
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