Elemental Chant

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Gardenia
Color of the day: Maroon
Incense of the day: Gardenia

This chant can be used during circle-casting to invoke the elements, or simply as a way to meditate on their properties. Although this begins with east, it can be changed since some traditions prefer to begin with north. To start, simply say:

I greet the east,
The Sun will rise,
The power of air,
The breath of skies.
I greet the south,
Warm and bright,
The power of fire,
To pierce the night.
I greet the west,
Rain and sea,
The power of water,
To comfort me.
I greet the north,
Tree and stone,
The power of earth,
I'm not alone.
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