Sprite Guardian Spell

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Juniper
Color of the day: Blue
Incense of the day: Juniper

Ward sprites are natural guardians of settlements. They assemble each evening at crossroads near the center of a town. They pass along old fairy paths and hillsides warding off b0th seen and unseen bane. A sprite sentinel for the home is invoked by lighting a red candle during twilight hours. Put the candle in a secure holder facing the road outside. Wait till it is dark, and then take the candle to the front door. Open it and gently blow the candlelight outward. The candlelight will travel into the darkness and reach one of the earth guardians-who will respond by keeping watch over your home and its inhabitants each night. Arrange some quartz and other crystals in a corner of the garden. Regularly put some tiny pieces of bread and a small cup of mead near the crystals as a token of sincere thanks.
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