Color of the day: Yellow Incense of the day: Clove Incense of the day: Clove Breathe deeply and relax. Allow the worries of mundane life to flow away on the breath. Visualize the energy of the Earth flowing up though the soles of your feet. It fills your body gently and slowly, revital-izing you as it moves up past your legs into your torso and fills your arms, neck, and head. Now visualize the energy of the universe flowing down through the top of your head. It fills your body gently and slowly, revitalizing you as it moves down through your head and chest into your torso and fills your arms and legs. These energies merge in your heart and fill you nearly to overflowing. They pass through your skin, your eyes, your palms, and back out into the world at large. With each breath, you take in light and exhale it back out into the universe. The healing, invigorating energy of light fills you and in turn fills everything you encounter. The revitalizing aspect of the energy of light is well worth invoking when you need it. |