POSTED UNDER Moon, Protection

Rune Spell for Protection

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Frankincense
Color of the day: Ivory
Incense of the day: Frankincense

Today marks the anniversary of the sixth day of Odin's ordeal. Odin, wounded by his own blade, hung upside-down from Yggdrasil for nine days to seek the knowledge of the World Tree. On the ninth night, the runic alphabet was revealed to him. With the waning Moon, it is an auspicious day to cast a runic spell for protection. Place two black feathers next to a black candle. Light the candle, and arrange from left to right three runes-beginning with Mann (m), the self. From your relationship to yourself flows your relationship with others. Next, place Tyr (t), warrior energy. Tyr counsels to look within to discover what your needs are and how to tap your inner resources. Finally, place Eohl (z), protection. Eohl counsels that correct conduct and timely action are the only true protection. This spell requires deep contemplation in order to be effective.
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